I am Francoise
A fertility coach for women who've done everything they can to get pregnant
I am here to show you how you can stop trying so hard to get pregnant and conceive from a place of love, trust, and confidence instead.
How to surrender to the challenges that you face throughout your fertility journey, how to take THE BEST care of yourself in the process, and how to find back some joy in your life and your relationships along the way.
I am not afraid of the dark.
I've been through pregnancy loss, fertility treatment and periods of desperation myself.
I now teach other women how they can work with these hard times to create a true reservoir of resilience within themselves and transform their limiting beliefs and blockages from a place of softness.
From conflict research to fertility empowerment

As an award-winning political scientist and conflict researcher, I used to travel the world to study and advice on how communities can increase their resilience in the face of violent conflict and extremism.
But as my own fertility journey progressed along the way, I felt an increasing need to turn within. I wanted to embrace a softer, more feminine side of myself that I hoped would bring me more balance and joy in everyday life (and get me pregnant).
As I faced countless negative pregnancy tests, a devastating miscarriage and several years of fertility treatment, I realised I needed to learn how to surrender to everything that was happening to me.
I started working with other women who were facing unwanted childlessnesss to share the tools I had picked up to deal with the stress of (in)fertility and to create a safe space where we could share about our experiences.
Inspired by the women I got to work with, I decided to give fertility treatment one more try in early 2020.
Our baby boy Benjamin was born in November that same year – a decade after I first started trying to get pregnant – and in 2022 I fell pregnant with a set a miracle twins: one IVF baby and one spontaneous pregnancy conceived in the same cycle.

My coaching approach
My work is a blend of the different healing modalities that I have picked up over the past decade: (mindfulness) meditation techniques, (tantric) embodiment practices, shamanic journeying and abdominal therapy.
Together, these techniques allow me to work with you in a trauma-informed manner on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level.
Meditation Teacher Training – Stillness in Yoga
Shakit Tantra Teacher Training – School of Shakti
Shamanic Energy Medicine – ‘t Loosterveld and Alberto Villoldo
Intuitive Body Coach – Daniele Della Valle
Abdominal Therapy for Professionals – Abdominal Therapy Collective

My work's 5 key principles

Create inner flow through cycle wisdom
Learn how your body's hormone and energy levels can work for you and start living in a natural flow state

Ground yourself in your body
Through movement, dance, breath work and meditation, you will learn how to get out of your head and into your body

(Re)connect to pleasure and your authentic sensuality
Brink back the spark in your life by nurturing your inner fire and getting back in touch with desire

Introduce some ritual magic in your life
True healing occurs when you work with rituals to mark important moments - both joyous and painful ones - in your life.

Make self-compassion a habit
Embrace all of your feelings with loving-kindness and surrender to whatever is alive in you right now
Next to my coaching practice I am also the host of ‘That Fertile Feeling - The Podcast’. This is your go-to podcast if you've been trying to get pregnant for a while and you feel like life has lost a bit of its spark in the process. Every week, I talk to experts and fellow infertility warriors from around the globe about how to support yourself physically, mentally, emotionallly and spiritually on your fertility journey.